Archive for November 17, 2013

You may have noticed I haven’t posted for a hell of a long time. Almost 2 months to be exact. Well, there’s been a good reason for that and here it is…

Our baby at 12 weeks old

Our baby at 12 weeks old

Yep, you read right – I’m up the duff. Bun in the oven. Knocked up. All that. And here he/she is, just chilling, laying around and having a nice old holiday in my belly. It still feels weird to think that it’s growing inside me. Weird, but cool.

And while this pregnancy was planned, let’s just say neither of us thought it would happen quite so quickly! The first time in fact (cue jokes about good swimmers). We’ll be having a 5 month old join us on the walk down the aisle next year, and a whole load of babysitters at the wedding! Lucky we’re getting married in a winery – we may need all the booze we can get 🙂

It was that easy...

It was that easy…

Now, down to the exercise part of this post. Basically, I have had to drastically alter what I’ve been doing. Like, DRASTICALLY. Not only does no one tell you that you shouldn’t elevate your heart rate about 150 bpm (which basically means you can’t do anything more strenuous than walking!), they also don’t tell you that if you try to do exercise you’ll either feel dizzy, or get super tired. Well, no one told me anyway.

Luckily I haven’t had any morning sickness, but I have been super moody and up and down emotionally, as well as hungry ALL THE TIME, so exercise has not been my priority, especially when I can’t even work up a sweat.

As a result, I am still going to the gym twice a week, but just walking on the treadmill or using the bike and doing light weights. No high impact cardio, no interval training, nothing that actually burns fat. I can’t pretend it hasn’t been getting me down – after being so fit for so long, I hate to see it going to waste. But I am have embraced swimming in the local pool, and signed up for pre-natal pilates so that’s something.

But do you want to know the worst thing by far? Not being able to tell anyone! Your risk of miscarriage is 25% until week 12, and now it’s week 13 and it’s gone down to 2% which makes me feel slightly better. But still there’s always that risk.

This baby has gone through a lot – I got made redundant, had the worst bout of gastro I’ve ever had in my life, started a new (highly stressful) job AND drank heavily several times before I realised I was pregnant, so he/she is certainly a fighter. Personally I think it’s a boy, but we find out for sure on 3rd January.

Exciting times…

I can't promise there won't be several preggers-related posts...but you'll still love me, right?

I can’t promise there won’t be several preggers-related posts…but you’ll still love me, right?

Stay Fit & Well,
Lisa x