The Beyoncé Booty workout – HIIT #2

Posted: August 8, 2013 in Fitness
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This is the second HIIT workout I’ve created (the first one was here) and let’s be frank – this one is focusing on the arse. The bootay. The rear end. Baby got back and if baby doesn’t have back then baby needs to get back, stat.

Ok, that’s about as ghetto as I get.

And who better to aspire to for killer curves than Beyoncé – quite apart from being a talented singer, dancer, wife, mother and brand name, she’s got an arse to aspire to. She’s certainly inspired this workout.


Check out those killer curves!

So here it is:

Beyoncé Booty HIIT Workout

Warm up on the cross trainer, bike, treadmill or rower (or just go for a jog outdoors) for 10 minutes. Then…

3 sets of:

5 x burpees
10 x squats
20 x (10 on each side) reverse lunges
30 x squat presses with a medicine ball (or two dumbells if you don’t have a medicine ball to hand)
20 second wall sit
10 x walking lunges
10 x bridges

Then stretch for 10 minutes (and foam roll for another 5 if you don’t want to be walking like a cripple the next day).

If you’re at an advanced level and want to push it, stretch to 4 sets of each rather than 3.

Make it count people, make it count. Ryan Gosling would want you to.

Well if you insist...

Well, if you insist…

Stay Fit & Well,
Lisa x

  1. […] not what you think. This isn’t a post about how to get a booty like Beyoncé (check out this post if that’s what you want). This post is about that most boring of chronic ailments: back […]

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